Damage stability
The Damage stavility of the Expert Systems Janus (see the leaflet “Loading Computer Janus”) for Security of Ships is a system for real-time alert of any anomalies that may present a vessel before the flooding of some/s of their compartments.
Has consistently provided to vessels a loading computer that estimate intact stability (with or without the wind) and longitudinal strength, but not the damage stability. The damage stability should be studied, as recommended by the IMO, not the method of adding weights but by the method of modification of the hull of the ship, making it virtually impossible to do by hand. The diversity of items to load, variable density of some products (including fuel oil, density can vary between 0.92 and 1.01 t / m 3) make it difficult to make a manual load, mandatory moreover, ensure that the Captain can demonstrate at an inspection port that the ship is properly loaded. To resolve this problem Janus Systems, Ltd has designed the aforementioned Loading Computer Janus are tailor-made for each vessel, operates like any loading computer, indicating the calculations result in intact and damage stability and longitudinal strength.
Janus Systems, Ltd - Tel.: 916 661 403, 679 967 155 - E-mail: info@janus-systems.es